Online Percentage Calculator

Online tool that allows you to calculate percentages in various ways, increases, discounts, proportions, etc.
Just choose which of the percentage calculators best applies to your problem, enter the fields and click the calculate button of the corresponding line.

How much is
of ?
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What percentage is the value of ?
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A value of that INCREASED to . What was the percentage increase?
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A value of that DECREASED to . What was the percentage decrease?
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The value over the value is what percent?
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I have a value of and want to INCREASE it by
. What is the result?
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I have a value of and want to DECREASE it by
. What is the result?
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I have an initial value that INCREASED by
and went to . What is the initial value?
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I have an initial value that DECREASED by
and went to . What is the initial value?
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